Inheritance and Object-Oriented Design, Notes(6), Effective C++

Inheritance and Object-Oriented Design

(I read a Chinese version of the book, any translation problem plz point out.

Make sure public inheritance models “is-a”

class Bird {
    // ...

class FlyingBird: public Bird {
    virtual void fly();
    // ...

class Penguin: public Bird {
    // ...

public inheritance means everything must be suitable for derived class if it is suitable for base class,
because every derived class object is a base class object.

is a square a rectangle?

Avoid hiding inherited names

CPP name-hiding rules:
all the functions of base class with the same name as derived class will be hiden,
even if the parameter lists is different. it is both suitable for virtual and non-virtual functions.

CPP name-lookup rules:
local -> derived -> namespace of derived -> base -> namespace of base -> global

but if you use public inheritance without inheriting the overloaded functions, it violates the “is-a” relation between base and derived class.

  • using declaration
    introduce all the functions of specific name of base class to derived class,
    it is ok for public inheritance.
    class Base {
    int x;
    virtual void mf1() = 0;
    virtual void mf1(int);
    virtual void mf2();
    void mf3();
    void mf3(double);

class Derived: public Base {
using Base::mf1;
using Base::mf3;
virtual void mf1();
void mf3();
void mf4();

what if for partially inheriting the functions?

* forwarding function
  use for private inheritance.
class Base {
    virtual void mf1() = 0;
    virtual void mf1(int);

class Derived: private Base {
    virtual void mf1() { // Forwarding function
        Base::mf1();     // Implicitly inline

Differentiate between inheritance of interface and inhertiace of implementation

  • pure virtual functions: only inherit interface.
  • impure virtual functions: inherit interface and a default implementation.
  • non-virtual functons: inherit interface and a forced implementation. invariant far more than specialization.

Consider alternatives to virtual functions

  • use Non-Virtual Interface to implement Template Method pattern.
    advantages: do something before and after the operation, like mutex, log entry, validation of constraints.
    class GameCharacter {
      // This non-virtual function is a wrapper for the virtual function.
      int healthValue() const { 
          // ...
          int retVal = doHealthValue();
          // ...
          return retVal;
      virtual int doHealthValue() const {
          // ... 
  • use Function Pointers to implement Strategy pattern.
    class GameCharacter;
    int defaultHealthCalc(const GameCharacter& gc);
    class GameCharacter {
      typedef int (*HealthCalcFunc)(const GameCharacter&);
      explicit GameCharacter(HealthCalcFunc hcf = defaultHealthCalc)
                              : healthFunc(hcf) {}
      int healthValue() const { return healthFunc(*this); }
      HealthCalcFunc healthFunc;

different entities of same type can have different function pointers.
function pointers can be changed in run-time.
once needing to access the non-public members, you have to weaken the encapsulation of class.

class EvilBadGuy: public GameCharacter {
    explicit EvilBadGuy(HealthCalcFunc hcf = defaultHealthCalc)
                            : healthFunc(hcf) {}

int loseHealthQuickly(const GameCharacter&);
int loseHealthSlowly(const GameCharacter&);

EvilBadGuy ebg1(loseHealthQuickly);
EvilBadGuy ebg2(loseHealthSlowly);

with std::function:
call accept all the callable entities compatible with target signature (implicit conversion).
with std::bind:
bind a member function with an object.

class GameCharacter;
int defaultHealthCalc(const GameCharacter& gc);

class GameCharacter {
    typedef std::function<int (const GameCharacter&)> HealthCalcFunc;  
    explicit GameCharacter(HealthCalcFunc hcf = defaultHealthCalc)
                            : healthFunc(hcf) {}
    int healthValue() const { return healthFunc(*this); }
    HealthCalcFunc healthFunc;

class EvilBadGuy: public GameCharacter {
    // ...

short calcHealth(const GameCharacter&);
struct HealthCalculator {
    int operator()(const GameCharacter&)const {}
class GameLevel {
    float health(const GameCharacter&) const;

EvilBadGuy ebg1(calcHealth); // Function pointer
EvilBadGuy ebg2(HealthCalculator()); // Functor

GameLevel currentLevel;
EvilBadGuy ebg3(std::bind(&GameLevel::health, currentLevel, std::placeholders::_1));
  • classical Strategy pattern (with virtual functions)
    make HealthCalcFunc be a seperate hierarchy of inheritance.
    class GameCharacter;
    class HealthCalcFunc {
    virtual int calc(const GameCharacter& gc) const { }
    } defaultHealthCalc;

class GameCharacter {
explicit GameCharacter(HealthCalcFunc_ phcf = &defaultHealthCalc)
: pHealthFunc(phcf) {}
int healthValue() const { return pHealthFun->(_this); }
HealthCalcFunc* pHealthFunc;

### Never redefine an inherited non-virtual function

### Never redefine a function's inherited default parameter value
* virtual functions is dynamically bound, but default parameter values is statically bound.
* static type is the type declared, and dynamic type is the type pointed to currently.
* use **NVI (non-virtual interface)** to substitute it.

class Shape {
    enum ShapeColor { Red, Green, Blue };
    void draw(ShapeColor color = Red) const {
    virtual void doDraw(ShapeColor color) const = 0;

class Rectangle: public Shape {
    // ...
    virtual void doDraw(ShapeColor color) const;

Model “has-a” or “is-implemented-in-terms-of” through composition

  • composition has many synonyms: layering, containment, aggregation, embedding.
  • in application domain, composition means “has-a”, but in inplementation domain, it means “is-implemented-in-terms-of”.

Use private inheritance judiciously

  • private inheritance is a technique of implementation.
  • private inheritance means only implementation is inherited and interfaces should be omitted.
  • private inheritance is ok, when you want to redefine the inherited virtual functions.
class Timer {
    explicit Timer(int tickFrequency);
    virtual void onTick() const;

// Althrough Widget reuse Timer, it exposes `onTick` to the user
class Widget: private Timer {
    virtual void onTick() const;

// This one is kind of complicated, but it can prevent from using WidgetTimer
// in the derived classes of Widget, (something like Java `final`, C# `sealed`)
// Once changed to WidgetTimer*, it can also lower the compilation dependency
class Widget {
    class WidgetTimer: public Timer {
        virtual void onTick() const;

    WidgetTimer timer;
  • when facing space optimization, private inheritance may be the best choice.
    empty class: with no non-static variables, no virtual functions and no virtual base classes.
    EBO (empty class optimization) will let your base class take no space.

Use multiple inheritance judiciously

class File { // ... };
class InputFile: public File { // ... };
class OutputFile: public File { // ... };
class IOFile: public InputFile, public OutputFile { // ... };
  • MI will copy the data through each inheritance path (such as File::name).
  • once not, make the class with the data to be a virtual base class, and all the classes intermediately inherited virtual inherit it.
class File { // ... };
class InputFile: virtual public File { // ... };
class OutputFile: virtual public File { // ... };
class IOFile: public InputFile, public OutputFile { // ... };
  • the initialization of virtual base class is granted to the most derived class.
  • virtual inheritance will increase the cost of size, speed, and initialization(assignment).
    the virtual base classes with no data will be best-pratical situation.
  • MI has some usages: one is the combination of “public inheritance inherits some interface class” and “private inheritance inherits some helper class for implementation”.
    class CPerson: public IPerson, private PersonInfo;